The Fastest Algorithm for Filling Overlapping Rectangles of Pixels: A Comprehensive Guide
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The Fastest Algorithm for Filling Overlapping Rectangles of Pixels: A Comprehensive Guide

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When it comes to computer graphics and imaging, filling overlapping rectangles of pixels is a common operation that can be a major performance bottleneck if not optimized properly. In this article, we’ll dive into the fastest algorithm for filling overlapping rectangles of pixels, providing you with a comprehensive guide on how to implement it efficiently.

What’s the Problem with Filling Overlapping Rectangles?

Filling overlapping rectangles of pixels can be a computationally expensive operation, especially when dealing with large images or extensive pixel arrays. The naive approach of simply iterating over each rectangle and filling the corresponding pixels can lead to:

  • Slow performance: Filling each rectangle individually can result in unnecessary iterations and redundant calculations.
  • Inefficient memory access: Random access to pixels can lead to cache misses, further slowing down the process.

Introducing the Fastest Algorithm: Scanline Algorithm

The Scanline Algorithm is a highly optimized method for filling overlapping rectangles of pixels. It’s based on the principle of processing horizontal scanlines, reducing redundant calculations and optimizing memory access.

Step 1: Prepare the Rectangle List

Before diving into the algorithm, you need to prepare a list of rectangles to be filled. Each rectangle should be represented by its top-left and bottom-right coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2). You can also store additional information, such as the fill color or other attributes.

 Rectangle {
   int x1, y1, x2, y2; // coordinates
   color fill_color; // fill color
 std::vector<Rectangle> rectangle_list;

Step 2: Initialize the Scanline Data Structure

Create a data structure to store the active scanlines. A simple approach is to use a vector of integers, where each element represents the x-coordinate of a scanline.

 std::vector<int> active_scanlines;

Step 3: Iterate Through the Rectangles

Begin iterating through the list of rectangles. For each rectangle:

  1. Find the y-coordinate range (y1, y2) of the rectangle.
  2. Iterate through the active scanlines, updating the x-coordinates as necessary.
  3. Fill the pixels within the rectangle using the optimized scanline algorithm.
  4. Update the active scanlines by adding or removing scanlines as necessary.
 for (auto &rectangle : rectangle_list) {
   int y1 = rectangle.y1;
   int y2 = rectangle.y2;
   // Update active scanlines
   for (auto &scanline : active_scanlines) {
     if (scanline >= y1 && scanline <= y2) {
       // Update x-coordinate
     } else {
       // Remove inactive scanline
   // Fill pixels using optimized scanline algorithm
   fill_pixels(rectangle.x1, rectangle.y1, rectangle.x2, rectangle.y2, rectangle.fill_color);
   // Update active scanlines
   for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) {
     if (find(active_scanlines.begin(), active_scanlines.end(), y) == active_scanlines.end()) {

Step 4: Fill Pixels Using the Optimized Scanline Algorithm

The optimized scanline algorithm iterates through each scanline, filling pixels within the rectangle:

 void fill_pixels(int x1, int y, int x2, color fill_color) {
   for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) {
     // Fill pixel (x, y) with fill_color

Benefits of the Scanline Algorithm

The Scanline Algorithm offers several benefits:

  • Efficient memory access: By processing horizontal scanlines, the algorithm minimizes random memory access, reducing cache misses.
  • Reduced redundant calculations: The algorithm avoids filling overlapping pixels, reducing redundant calculations.

Optimization Techniques

To further optimize the algorithm, consider the following techniques:

Use a Spatial Data Structure

Implementing a spatial data structure, such as a quadtree or k-d tree, can significantly reduce the number of rectangles to be processed.

 struct Quadtree {
   Rectangle bounds;
   Quadtree *children[4];
 Quadtree quadtree;

Apply Rectangle Merging

Merge overlapping rectangles to reduce the number of rectangles to be processed.

 std::vector<Rectangle> merge_rectangles(const std::vector<Rectangle> &rectangles) {
   std::vector<Rectangle> merged_rectangles;
   // Merge rectangles
   for (auto &rectangle : rectangles) {
     bool merged = false;
     for (auto &merged_rectangle : merged_rectangles) {
       if (rectangle.intersects(merged_rectangle)) {
         merged = true;
     if (!merged) {
   return merged_rectangles;


In conclusion, the Scanline Algorithm is the fastest algorithm for filling overlapping rectangles of pixels. By implementing this algorithm and applying optimization techniques, you can significantly improve the performance of your imaging and computer graphics applications.

Algorithm Avg. Time Complexity Space Complexity
Naive Approach O(n^2) O(1)
Scanline Algorithm O(n log n) O(n)

Remember, the key to achieving optimal performance lies in efficient memory access, reduced redundant calculations, and clever algorithmic design. By mastering the Scanline Algorithm and applying optimization techniques, you’ll be well on your way to creating high-performance imaging and computer graphics applications.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to turbocharge your pixel-filling skills! Here are the answers to the most pressing questions about finding the fastest algorithm for filling overlapping rectangles of pixels.

What is the fastest algorithm for filling overlapping rectangles of pixels, and how does it work?

The fastest algorithm for filling overlapping rectangles of pixels is the Scan-Line Algorithm. It works by sorting the rectangles by their y-coordinates and then iterating over each scan line, filling the pixels accordingly. This algorithm is super efficient, with a time complexity of O(n log n), making it perfect for large datasets.

How does the Scan-Line Algorithm handle overlapping rectangles?

When two or more rectangles overlap, the Scan-Line Algorithm uses a clever trick: it treats the overlap as a new rectangle with its own set of coordinates. This way, the algorithm can fill the overlapping area without messing up the rest of the pixels. It’s like a pixel-filling ninja – swift, silent, and deadly efficient!

Can the Scan-Line Algorithm be used for filling non-rectangular shapes?

While the Scan-Line Algorithm is designed for rectangles, it can be modified to work with non-rectangular shapes. One approach is to break down the shape into smaller rectangles or triangles and then use the Scan-Line Algorithm to fill each component. This way, you can still harness the algorithm’s speed and efficiency for more complex shapes.

How does the Scan-Line Algorithm compare to other pixel-filling algorithms?

The Scan-Line Algorithm is generally faster and more efficient than other pixel-filling algorithms, such as the Flood Fill Algorithm or the Line Drawing Algorithm. This is because it takes advantage of the rectangular shape’s properties, allowing it to fill large areas quickly. However, the best algorithm ultimately depends on the specific use case and requirements.

Are there any real-world applications of the Scan-Line Algorithm?

Yes! The Scan-Line Algorithm has many practical applications, such as in computer-aided design (CAD) software, graphics rendering, and even video games. For example, in CAD software, the algorithm can be used to quickly fill complex shapes, like those found in architectural designs or engineering models. It’s a vital tool in the world of computer graphics!

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