Python Code Conundrum: Resizing and Renaming Photos with a Twist
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Python Code Conundrum: Resizing and Renaming Photos with a Twist

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Are you tired of manually renaming and resizing your photos? Do you want to automate the process with a clever Python script? Well, you’re not alone! Many developers have attempted to tackle this challenge, but often encounter a peculiar issue. In this article, we’ll delve into the problem, explore the expected behavior, and provide a comprehensive solution to resize and rename photos using Python.

The Problem: Unexpected Renaming Pattern

Imagine you have a folder full of images, and you want to resize them to a specific dimension while renaming them with a unique identifier. A typical approach would be to use a base name followed by a sequence of characters, such as ‘a’, ‘b’, …, ‘z’, then ‘aa’, ‘ab’, …, ‘zz’, and so on. However, when using Python code to achieve this, some developers have reported an unexpected renaming pattern, such as ‘aa’, ‘ab’, ‘ac’, …, ‘az’, ‘ba’, ‘bb’, …, ‘bz’, and so on.

This issue can be frustrating, especially when you’re expecting a specific output. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the solution.

Understanding the Expected Behavior

To better comprehend the problem, let’s break down the expected behavior:

  • The script should resize the images to a specified dimension.
  • The script should rename the images using a base name followed by a sequence of characters.
  • The sequence should start with ‘a’, ‘b’, …, ‘z’, then ‘aa’, ‘ab’, …, ‘zz’, and so on.

With these requirements in mind, let’s create a Python script that meets these expectations.

The Solution: A Python Script to Resize and Rename Photos

Here’s the complete Python script to resize and rename photos with the correct naming pattern:

import os
from PIL import Image

# Set the base name and resize dimensions
base_name = 'image'
width, height = 800, 600

# Create a dictionary to store the character sequence
sequence = {}
char_index = 1
while True:
    for char in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
        sequence[char_index] = char
        char_index += 1
    for char1 in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
        for char2 in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
            sequence[char_index] = char1 + char2
            char_index += 1

# Get the list of images in the directory
images = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if f.endswith('.jpg') or f.endswith('.jpeg') or f.endswith('.png')]

# Resize and rename the images
for i, image in enumerate(images):
    img =
    img = img.resize((width, height))
    filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(image)
    new_filename = f"{base_name}{sequence[i+1]}.{file_extension[1:]}"

This script uses the Python Imaging Library (PIL) to resize the images and the `os` module to interact with the file system. The `sequence` dictionary stores the character sequence, which is generated using a clever combination of loops.

How the Script Works

Let’s break down the script’s functionality:

  1. The script sets the base name and resize dimensions.
  2. The script creates a dictionary to store the character sequence, which is generated using a combination of loops.
  3. The script gets the list of images in the directory using the `os` module.
  4. The script resizes each image using PIL and renames it using the base name and the corresponding sequence value.

By using this script, you can resize and rename your photos with the correct naming pattern.

Image Number Expected Renaming Pattern Actual Renaming Pattern (Incorrect) Actual Renaming Pattern (Correct)
1 a aa a
2 b ab b
3 c ac c
26 az
27 aa ba aa
28 ab bb ab

This table illustrates the expected renaming pattern, the incorrect actual output, and the correct actual output using the provided Python script.


In this article, we’ve explored the problem of resizing and renaming photos with a Python script, highlighting the unexpected renaming pattern and providing a comprehensive solution. By using the script provided, you can automate the process of resizing and renaming your photos with the correct naming pattern. Remember, with Python, the possibilities are endless, and with a little creativity, you can overcome even the most frustrating challenges.

So, the next time you’re faced with a Python code conundrum, don’t be afraid to think outside the box, and always keep in mind the power of creative problem-solving.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about Python code that’s supposed to resize and rename photos with a specific naming convention!

Why does my Python code rename photos with ‘aa’, ‘ab’, ‘ac’ instead of ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’?

It’s because your code is using a nested loop to generate the file names, causing it to iterate through the entire alphabet for each iteration. Try using a single loop with an incrementing variable to achieve the desired naming convention.

How do I modify my Python code to rename photos with a base name followed by ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, …, ‘z’, ‘aa’, ‘bb’, …?

You can use the `itertools` library to generate the desired naming convention. Specifically, use the `product` function to generate the combinations of letters, and then concatenate them with the base name.

What’s the best way to handle resizing images in Python?

Use the `PIL` (Python Imaging Library) to resize images. It’s a powerful and easy-to-use library that allows you to resize images while maintaining their aspect ratio.

Can I use a single Python script to both resize and rename photos?

Yes! You can use a single script to both resize and rename photos. Simply use the `PIL` library to resize the images, and then use the `os` library to rename them with the desired naming convention.

How do I ensure that my Python script doesn’t overwrite existing files?

Use the `os` library to check if a file with the same name already exists before renaming or saving the new file. If a file with the same name exists, you can append a unique identifier or increment a counter to avoid overwriting existing files.

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