How to switch WPML language depending on delivery country in WooCommerce checkout?
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How to switch WPML language depending on delivery country in WooCommerce checkout?

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Are you struggling to provide a seamless shopping experience for your international customers? Do you want to automatically switch the language of your WooCommerce store based on the delivery country? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this using WPML and WooCommerce.

Why switch WPML language depending on delivery country?

Providing a personalized shopping experience is crucial in today’s e-commerce landscape. By switching the language of your store based on the delivery country, you can:

  • Improve customer experience and understanding of your products
  • Increase conversions and sales
  • Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Stand out from the competition and establish your brand as a global player


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following plugins installed and configured:

  • WPML (latest version)
  • WooCommerce (latest version)
  • WPML WooCommerce Multilingual (latest version)

Step 1: Set up WPML languages and WooCommerce

First, let’s set up our WPML languages and WooCommerce store. Follow these steps:

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to WPML > Languages and add the languages you want to support.
  2. Configure the language settings as desired, including the language codes, flags, and default languages.
  3. Next, go to WooCommerce > Settings > General and set up your store’s general settings, including the base country.
  4. Make sure the WPML WooCommerce Multilingual plugin is activated and configured correctly.

Step 2: Create a custom function to switch languages

Now, let’s create a custom function that will switch the language based on the delivery country. Add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

function switch_language_based_on_delivery_country() {
  global $woocommerce;
  $country_code = $woocommerce->customer->get_shipping_country();
  $languages = wpml_get languages();
  foreach ($languages as $language) {
    if ($language->country_code === $country_code) {
      do_action('wpml_switch_language', $language->language_code);
add_action('woocommerce_before_checkout', 'switch_language_based_on_delivery_country');

Step 3: Add the function to the WooCommerce checkout

Next, we need to add the custom function to the WooCommerce checkout process. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout and add the following code to the Additional Scripts section:

  jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $(document).on('woocommerce_review_order_before_submit', function() {

Step 4: Test and refine

Test your setup by going through the checkout process and selecting different delivery countries. The language should switch automatically based on the country selected.

If you encounter any issues or want to refine the functionality, you can:

  • Check the language codes and country codes to ensure they match
  • Modify the custom function to include additional logic or exceptions
  • Contact WPML or WooCommerce support for further assistance

Troubleshooting common issues

Here are some common issues you might encounter and their solutions:

Issue Solution
Language not switching on checkout Check that the custom function is added correctly to the functions.php file and the additional script is added to the WooCommerce checkout settings.
Language code mismatch Verify that the language codes in WPML match the country codes in WooCommerce.
Function not triggering on checkout Check that the woocommerce_review_order_before_submit hook is correctly triggered in the additional script.


With these steps, you’ve successfully set up WPML to switch languages based on the delivery country in WooCommerce checkout. This will provide a more personalized shopping experience for your international customers, leading to increased conversions, customer satisfaction, and loyalty.

Remember to test and refine your setup to ensure a seamless experience for your customers. Happy selling!

Frequently Asked Question

Wondering how to switch WPML language depending on delivery country in WooCommerce checkout? We’ve got you covered!

Q1: What plugin do I need to achieve this?

You’ll need WPML (WordPress Multilingual) and WCML (WooCommerce Multilingual) plugins to switch languages based on delivery country in WooCommerce checkout.

Q2: How do I set up WPML to detect the delivery country?

Go to WPML > Languages > Language Detection, and select “Country” as the detection method. Then, set up the country-language mapping to associate each country with its corresponding language.

Q3: How do I integrate WCML with WPML to switch languages during checkout?

In WCML settings, enable the “Automatic language switch” option and select WPML as the language detection method. This will allow WCML to switch languages based on the delivery country detected by WPML.

Q4: Can I customize the language switch logic to fit my specific needs?

Yes, you can use WPML’s API or hooks to customize the language switch logic. For example, you can use the `wpml_add_language_information` filter to modify the language-country mapping or add custom logic to determine the language based on other factors.

Q5: Will this setup affect my website’s performance?

The impact on performance will be minimal, as WPML and WCML are optimized for performance. However, the performance may vary depending on the number of languages, products, and traffic on your site. Ensure you have a solid hosting setup and follow best practices for optimizing your WooCommerce store.

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